Senior Design Project

The Nursing and Engineering Innovation Center will support collaborative senior design projects between the College of Engineering and School of Nursing. The projects must entail interdisciplinary healthcare technologies that address unmet clinical needs. Projects can be sponsored by UConn faculty, startups, industries, government agencies, and individuals.

The Nursing and Engineering Innovation Center will support the projects, depending on the project, sponsor, engagement level, and department and faculty involvement.

For more information and to propose projects, please contact Dr. Patrick Kumavor.

Senior design projects are currently being solicited for the 2023-2024 academic year. Projects can be a part of an ongoing long-term research project or a real-world educational project. The project problems can range from design concept development, feasibility studies, proof-of-concepts, prototyping, process or application development to the redesign of existing products. For examples on past projects that students have embarked on, please see the Senior Design Day site.

Call for Letters of Interest for Senior Design Projects